If you want to make a complaint or have a problem understanding something we’ve done, please let us know, so we can address the problem. We’re here to provide financial assistance for people with physical disabilities, so if you think we have failed in any way, you can trust that we will be committed to resolving the issue.
- Your first call is to talk to Liz, our Executive Officer. Phone 03 379 5983 or email paraloan@xtra.co.nz
- If you are still not 100% satisfied, please contact the Chairperson at chair.paraloan@xtra.co.nz
- If your complaint is not fully resolved, your next step is Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL), it is free and they are an external dispute resolution scheme for our industry. This independent body is approved by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs. Complaints to FSCL need to meet certain criteria. Click here to go to the FSCL website.
Contact details of dispute resolution scheme, FSCL
Phone: 0800 347 257
Website: www.fscl.org.nz
Business address: Level, 101 Lambton Quay Wellington 6011